Friday, December 19, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

It's hard to believe there are only 6 days until Christmas. I will be finishing up my shopping this weekend, but not looking forward to being out with the crowds (damn last minute shopping!).
As Jordyn was waking up this morning, still half asleep, she asked if Santa had come yet. I had to tell her we have 5 more sleeps still. It's so funny to see how excited she is for Santa to visit our house. She doesn't leave out the reindeer or the elves either. Jordie thinks they are all coming to our house to bring her presents.
Derrick and I are sad that, again this year, we won't be able to make it up north for Christmas. The tradition has always been to head to his Grandma's house on the 24th with the whole family. It's such a great time to eat, drink, and just enjoy eachother's company. This will be our 2nd year missing it, and will have to miss again next year due to Derrick's schedule. :o( Jordyn and I will be driving to Superior on Christmas Day to see my parents, but heading home the very next day. However, we send our love and well wishes to all and hope that you have a wonderful holiday with those that matter most to you.
Merry Christmas from The Andersons