Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meet Kirby

I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog in so long. It was a crazy 1st month of 2009. On Saturday, January 31st, we welcomed a new member into our family. We adopted a 12 week old beagle and named him Kirby. Since the 3 of us are big Twins fans, we thought this name was just right.
He is a sweet little boy, very mellow. He is very lovey and gets pretty lonely when left in his kennel overnight. He does very well with it, but whines and whines when I take him out, as if to say "Mama, where have you been, I need some snuggles and kisses!" We are in the process of potty training, oh my! We can't really let him out of our sight, which has been very difficult and tiring.
Other than that, there isn't much activity here in St. Cloud. Jordyn is still in dance, and learning a new one for her show at the end of this month. All of the daddy's have to participate at the end of this dance, so it should be pretty cute.
February is going to be a pretty quiet month for us, and I welcome that. We hope all is well with everyone. Until next time...

The Fireman's Wife

Taken from "The Fireman's Wife" by Susan Farren

I am thank ful. This has not always been an easy walk for me.

I am disappointed. We have missed family gatherings, weddings, dinner engagements, birthday parties, and holidays because of shift schedules and overtime.

I am patient. There have been dinners spent at the firehouse waiting for Daddy to return from a call while the kids get cranky and the food gets cold.

I am nervous. I awake at 3:00 A.M. hearing creaks in the house and don't have the comfort of my husband beside me.

I am tired. The house is full of sick kids and there is no relief in site because Daddy is on a seventy-two-hour shift.

I am jealous. Jealous of all the women whose husbands came home at 5:00 P.M. to have dinner and hold them at the end of their day.

I am worried. I worry that he may not come home one day. This I try to tuck away.

I am content. We have decided to give up my career so I can stay home and raise our children. We no longer have an abundance of money or things. It is the greatest freedom I have ever known.

I am incompetent.There was a time when I considered myself moderately intelligent. I now struggle to remember where I left my car keys, the diaper bag, and, occasionally, the baby.

I am waiting. Knowing the phone may one day ring for me.

I am doubting. Doubting that God hears all my prayers. Doubting I am the kind of wife and mother He needs me to be.

I am trusting. Trusting that my husband will come home again.

I am confident, I am embarrassed, I am lonely, I am surprised, I am overworked, I am underpaid.

I am...The Fireman's Wife.

(Thank you for posting this on your site January, I just had to borrow it!)